We search vigorously for soul mates we can never find, the feeling bubbles down deep within driving us to search further than once perceived. We search for those who never really exist, ideas forged on romantic speculations, waiting for the ever perfect moment that never arrives. Hope is a virtue saved for the naive, yet reality only hurts us further, opening our eyes to the blinding lies.
Though our bodies have just met our souls feel like they've known eachother forever as if death wasn't strong enough to kill our love for one another we found eachother once again the way it was ment to be, when you promised me an eternity your words were true, for each shell we rid our selves of we return in another just to find eachother and pursue our eternal love cause when we die our love is what keeps us going when were together then we are immortal nothing can stop us, as long as we've got love then we can never actually die we are soulmates through love and hate through pain and hell our love could only get stronger.
We believe in soul mates for a reprieve, something to get us through the mundane drag of everyday life. To avoid the consequential truth that we may forever be alone.
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RăspundețiȘtergereInteresant , singura problema e ca nu sti pe cine sa asculti . Cand esti singur spui ca dragostea nu e posibila iar cand gasesti pe cineva care il consideri "the one" spui ca totul este posibil . A soul mate is a possibility , but what if you loose it without knowing what you had . what if you can't get it back because you were stupid for one moment . IF that happens then all the rules and laws we so surely know by now get flipped on their heads